Note: Account must be at least Identity Verified to be able to enjoy our crypto services. You may see our Help Center article here to get verified.
With, you can receive any of our supported cryptocurrencies from other wallets or from external platforms. (Check our supported networks)
1. From external wallets: You can provide the relevant wallet address (i.e. BTC address to receive BTC, ETH address to receive ETH) or QR code.
2. From another account: You may also provide your registered email address or mobile number aside from the wallet address or QR code.
Quick Tutorial
1. Once logged in to, proceed to your Portfolio tab. From the list choose the token that you want to receive (in the sample, we'll use BTC).
2. Select the Network that you want to use. Kindly make sure that the network you choose to deposit matches the withdrawal network, otherwise your funds will be lost. (The sample shows choosing the Bitcoin network).
3. You may now scan the QR code, or copy the wallet address shown in the screen for your receiving crypto wallet address.
Having trouble with your incoming transfer or deposit? The following article may help you with your concern here.
Contact us through our Chatbot widget, Coins Support Form, or email us at [email protected] should you need further assistance.