Lost access to your mobile number or email address and unable to receive codes when logging in? Don’t worry! We can help.
You may follow the steps below to be able to login to your account:
1. On the Login page, click the Need help? button.
2. From the list, you may choose either Lost my phone or Lost my email option, depending on your concern.
3. Provide the mobile number or email address linked to your account, which you have lost access to.
Note: If instead you forgot the details registered to your account, you may refer to our Help Center article here.
4. If the account details provided are correct, you may then proceed to updating to your new account details. Kindly ensure to have your new account details handy as you'd need to provide the verification code to be sent to the said detail.
5. Once done with the verification steps, your new account detail is now registered to your account! You can now use this mobile number or email address to login to your account.
Contact us through our Chatbot widget, Coins Support Form, or email us at [email protected] for further assistance from our team.