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Spot Trading
Spot Trading
Need help with trading on our exchange? Start trading like a pro with these detailed guides.
What is Spot Trade at
How are prices dictated on spot trading?
Where can I view my account's trading history?
How do I trade cryptocurrency in Spot Trade?
What are trade orders?
What is a Limit order?
What is a Market order?
What is a Stop order?
What is a Stop-Limit order?
See all 15 articles
Limits & Fees
What are maker and taker fees?
How does the Rolling Trade Volume (RTV) work?
What is the VIP center?
How are my trading fees calculated based on the VIP level setup?
What are the available chart styles in TradingView for Spot Trade?
How do I use TradingView in Spot Trade?
How can I change chart styles in TradingView on Spot Trade?