Occasionally, you may encounter problems with your orders when trading, such as a market buy order was not 100% filled when you chose 100% to buy.
Example below:
Suppose I hold 10000 USD and place a market buy order with 100% on the USDT/USD spot market.
The system should have used 10000 USD to purchase USDC for me, but when I checked the order history, the total was 9,999.9997 USD, not 100% of 10,000 USD.
The reason for the execution not being 100% is that the total depends on the counterparty’s order price and quantity on the market order book when the order is filled. Due to the limitation of price accuracy and amount accuracy, sometimes 100% buy cannot be guaranteed. But it will execute nearly 100% trading, and the remaining balance of 0.0003 USD is not enough to purchase the minimum amount of USDC in the current market.
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