Below is a list of possible reasons as to why your trade orders on Spot Trade might have been rejected:
1. Exceeds Limits
Your order may exceed the limits of the current asks/bids placed in our platform. This is an in-built security feature that protects users from potential market manipulation.
2. Insufficient Balance or Crypto Assets
You currently have open orders that are placing your funds on hold and/or you do not have enough funds for the selected currency pair.
3. Order Did Not Meet Minimum Order Quantity
The minimum order quantity for all markets and/or trading pairs is currently set to 1 USDT. Please ensure that you place an order/trade of at least 1 USDT for this to push through. You may refer to our article on our minimum order quantities.
4. Trading with Oneself
You are not allowed to trade with yourself on a continuous order book. Your orders will be cancelled.
5. Cancellation of Order
You may have manually cancelled your order.
The remaining portion of any order, on a continuous order book that would move the market price by more than 3% in either direction.
Limit order prices must be within 5% of the LTP, if it is outside of the 5% price collar, the limit order will be rejected by the trading engine
Question: Would I still incur a fee even if I cancelled my order? No, if your order was cancelled before the trade took place (0% filled), no fee is charged.
If you are unsure of the reason your order was cancelled or rejected, please reach out to us through our Chatbot widget, Coins Support Form, or email us at [email protected] and we will investigate this for you.