"Phishing" or phishing sites work by impersonating the companies you trust like banks, financial service sites, or online payment firms to push malicious code (viruses) or software (malware) onto a trusted device. They may also steal personal information by getting your password and other personal details to gain access to your actual accounts.
If you receive a suspicious email or notification, here are four things you need to look out for:
1. Look at the website URL
Hover over any links found in the email you received to see the site the link is sending you to. Do not click the link. Phishers will inject a page where you need to enter your personal information on it. They’re highly skilled at making the page look like the real thing. Always make sure that the URL you’re clicking is the correct one for the site.
For Coins.xyz, you should always see https://coins.xyz/ as the spelling of the URL.
Any other URL shown above like http://coimsxyz or http://dagdagpera and the like are fake URLs.
Also, check if the URL also has “HTTPS”. That “s” portion in HTTPS means “secure”. It is a security protocol websites use to ensure your personal details cannot be phished. You will see a lock icon or something similar to know if it is HTTPS.
2. Look at the email address of the sender
One of the most common methods of phishing is sending “phishing emails” to potential victims.
Phishers can send phishing emails that try to imitate legitimate emails of a company by making their name appear as the sender of the email. Thus, always make sure to check the sender’s name, and email address.
Note that the official email address of Coins.xyz Support is [email protected], and not any other personal or unrecognized email address.
Always check the sender’s name, and make sure to click on "View Details" to see the sender's email address.
Remember: Coins.xyz will never ask for your password or 2FA code via email, text, or other means of communication outside of our sign in screens and transaction confirmations. Always check the email content for these suspicious messages.
When in doubt, never entertain or click any links found in the email. Forward the email to us at [email protected] so that our team can confirm its authenticity.
3. Check our official Blog for our list of active promos
Phishing emails usual try to lure you into phishing sites by saying that you won a “promo” and further asks you to enter your login credentials to claim the “reward”.
Besides checking the email address of the sender and the URL, you can also check our list of active promos on our Coins Blog here. Here, you can check our legitimate promos, and its corresponding terms and conditions for eligibility.
4. Follow us on our official social media pages
To ensure that the promos you receive via email are legitimate, you can cross check the said promo in our official social media pages below as well.
If you have more questions regarding phishing, received a possible phishing email, or visited a possible phishing site, it is best to report this to our team for us to be able to take the necessary actions. Kindly report any suspicious email you have received to us through our Chatbot widget, Coins Support Form, or email us at [email protected].